Score a 75% discount on your next VPN with NordVPN's massive Summer Sale

Your right to be safe online, to not be tracked when you search the internet and to not have your internet censored – you cannot put a price on these essential values of the internet. But what you can put a price on is NordVPN's Summer Sale…$2.99 a month to be exact.

And, it is no surprise that these two ideas go hand in hand. You want your privacy to remain intact online and NordVPN is here to help. With a VPN you can cover your tracks, hide your IP and become a shadow online (more metaphorically than literally). 

So how much will you save in NordVPN's Summer Sale? You have two choices – a 75% saving on a three year plan, paying just $2.99 a month or a 66% saving on a two year plan dropping the price to $3.99.

And if you're from outside the US and have seen those dollar signs, feeling a pang of jealousy for those in the States, don't worry. This offer is available universally.

Without wanting to adopt a cliché, that is around the price of a coffee a month for a service we rank as the second best VPN on the market. And with over 5300 servers to connect to in over 60 locations, support for up to six devices and fast connection speeds you can see why we rank it so highly!

VPN deals

75% discount on NordVPN

What can I do with a VPN?

If you're looking for VPN deals it is probably for one of two main reasons: protection or bypassing. You could use one to stream Netflix in different countries, watch restricted sports events or even get cheaper tickets for flights.

If you're more concerned about privacy, a VPN could protect you on untrustworthy Wi-Fi hotspots and limit the tracking of your data for safer exploration of the internet. 

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